On the Art Journey design team blog a new challenge has started. Liesbeth chose this month's theme: MUSIC! Do you join in with the challenge? You can read all about it on the design team blog. You also find inspiration from the team members to help you get started.
Ik was nog helemaal bezig met de vogels en maakte een Art Journal pagina.
I was still totally into the birds and made an Art Journal page.
The base is a gelli print. I stamped the flower and the bird on it and added pink, orange and turquoise paint arond the images. With a cloud mask (diy) and turquiose paint I made the sky. After that I added the branches and music. You can still see parts of the original print in the flowers and in the clouds.
Kleine mieren marcheren onderaan de pagina. Sommige zijn wat uit de pas.
Ants are marching at the bottom of the page, some of them are a bit ot of tune.
Ik had hem al gezien , maar hij is echt schitterend Ellen! Zo'n prachtige kleuren.